Friday, 15 August 2014

Choc City Boss Audu Maikori Wants Twitter Account Verified... 

 Audu Maikori

Audu Maikori, Chocolate City boss, can’t really wait to have his Twitter account verified. 

Maikori is currently working to pull the plug off the feet of an impostor on Twitter whom he accused of asking people to pay some money to join Chocolate City or made unspecified donations.

 To say the impostor of the label executive on Twitter is audacious would be stating the obvious, as the said person is using Audu’s name like the legitimate bearer of the name. 

And early on Friday, Maikori, who tweets from the handle @Audu, announced the existence of a similar account to his followers, warning them against dealing with the person behind the counterfeit account. 

‘Please note that the @AuduMaikori handle is fake. Pls do not deal with him…he is an E-mpostor…pls RT,” he announced.

 Shortly after, he added: ‘twitter, please verify this account as there are people perpetrating fraud using similar names.’ 

Fake twitter handles represent a common headache for celebrities and popular figures in this part of the world....

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